Left-Wing Policy Positions

Just as troubling as Gabbard’s alignment with the Obama Administration is a long legacy of supporting left-wing policy positions.

Gabbard has gained popularity with some on the right due to her opposition to domestic surveillance and ‘regime-change’ wars. Nevertheless, Gabbard’s positions on domestic and social issues should give conservatives pause. While this can be seen in many areas, it’s clearest in relation to abortion, climate change, immigration, and LGBT issues.


Gabbard received high marks on Planned Parenthood’s Congressional Scorecard for both the 115th (2017- ’18) and 116th (2019-’20) Congresses, with scores of “100” for each.

In addition, during her 2020 presidential campaign, Gabbard released the following statement about abortion.

“The very real possibility of Roe v Wade being overturned terrifies me. I am sick of women’s bodies being used as pawns so politicians can score cheap political points at the expense of their freedom and safety. I am wholly committed to abortion remaining safe, legal and rare. We must commit to defending a woman’s right to choose. I also support sensible codifying of Roe v Wade preventing third-trimester abortion except when there are grave or life-threatening health consequences for the mother.”


On perhaps no issue is Gabbard’s record more troubling than climate change and energy. Gabbard has a long record of hostility towards fossil fuels (including fracking bans), support for a ‘new green century,’ and opposition to pipeline construction.

The website “Inside Climate News” summarized Gabbard’s positions in 2020.

  • Gabbard expressed early support for the Green New Deal, but when the resolution was released, she opted not to be a co-sponsor, citing concerns over the “vagueness of the language.” On her website, Gabbard said she supports the Green New Deal’s zero-emissions goals, but “I do not support ‘leaving the door open’ to nuclear power unless and until there is a permanent solution to the problem of nuclear waste.”
  • Gabbard supports a ban on fracking and ending fossil fuel and nuclear energy subsidies. She has talked about the importance of investing in sustainable infrastructure and agriculture, calling agriculture “something that’s not often talked about when we’re dealing with climate change, but is one of the biggest contributors of carbon to our environment and to our atmosphere.”
  • She believes the U.S. “should be leading by example, leveraging innovation through science and technology, investing in clean energy, creating renewable energy jobs that cannot be outsourced, growing the economy, enhancing U.S. energy independence, and lowering energy costs for families and businesses, while reducing carbon emissions. We must continue to persevere and do our part to support efforts in the private sector and at all levels of government to combat climate change and protect our environment.”
  • In the OFF Act, she proposed redirecting fossil fuel tax credits toward renewable energy, but doesn’t outline a carbon pricing plan. Like many of her opponents, Gabbard has signed the No Fossil Fuel Funding pledge.


While Gabbard has recently criticized the worst excesses of the Biden Administration’s open borders policies, she has a long history of support for “comprehensive immigration reform”/the “DREAM Act”/a “pathway to citizenship,” which conservatives consider to be euphemisms for amnesty.

  • In September 2017, Gabbard tweeted in support of the DREAM Act.
  • In November 2017, Gabbard tweeted in support of a pathway to citizenship.
  • In February 2020, Gabbard tweeted in support of comprehensive immigration reform.


While in Congress, Tulsi Gabbard was highly rated by the radical LGBTQ organization, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), during each session.

During the 113th congress (2013-’14), Gabbard was rated a ‘92’ by HRC.

During the 114th congress (2015-’16), Gabbard was rated ‘88’ by HRC.

During the 115th congress (2017 – ’18), Gabbard was rated ‘100’ by HRC. Notably, this was as she geared up for her 2020 presidential campaign.

During the 116th congress (2019 – ’20), Gabbard was rated ‘84’ by HRC.


On August 13, 2012, following Gabbard’s victory in her contested primary, a left-wing blog called her “the progressive candidate” in the race.

“…Hawaii had its primaries Saturday and it wasn’t even close. In the two major races– one for the open U.S. Senate and one for the open seat in the 2nd district– the progressive candidates, respectively Mazie Hirono and Tulsi Gabbard, beat their extremely conservative opponents, perennial Blue Dog candidate Ed Case and corrupt Mormon ex-mayor of Honolulu, Mufi Hannemann. It was Hannemann’s third congressional run and his third loss. Case had already served in Congress (2002-7) where he was known as very lazy, very conservative, probably corrupt and a sure vote for the worst of the Republican agenda. He was a member of both the Blue Dog caucus and the New Dems. He’s been running for Senator, Governor and to get back into Congress ever since and loses every time. In Saturday’s Senate totals he took 94,289 41%) against Hirono’s 132,855 (58%) and many hope he’ll go find a job and stop trying to get into office again. In the 6-way race for the House seat Mazie was giving up, Tulsi Gabbard captured 55% and Hannemann only managed to persuade 34%…”